To fund your account, please sign up and verify your basic account first. Once you have verified the account successfully please fund your account with below steps to get started with buying cryptocurrencies:

  1. Select WALLETS from the menu bar in your account
  2. Click the CAD DEPOSIT method option.
  3. Pick the payment options available from the checklist and fill in the required details.
  4. Please follow and Note all details correctly and send the funds.
  5. Click I have Paid only once you’ve finished and successfully sent the funds.
  6. We will credit your account as soon as we receive your funds.

Tip: You can always come back and click I have Paid when you have actually sent out the funds.

The different payment channels supported are -

  • Interac Etransfer
  • Wire Transfer

Note: Please send us a note of your Customer ID Number in Message or Reference so we can identify and credit your account quickly.