To fund your account, please sign up and verify your basic account first. Once you have verified the account successfully please fund your account with below steps to get started with buying cryptocurrencies:

  1. Select WALLETS from the menu bar in your account
  2. Click the DEPOSIT method option of the correct Crypto Currency you want to Deposit to your Account.
  3. Send your Crypto to the Correct Wallet Address provided to you.
  4. Please wait for the transaction to be confirmed by the blockchain network
  5. Your wallet will be credited automatically once the transaction is confirmed.

Tip: Please double check the correct coin you want to Fund. Also, Please Scan the Barcode or Use Copy Address Option to Avoid Typing the Blockchain Wallet Address Manually.

Note: Please note there are no refunds or credits if you have funded the Incorrect wallet address or sent funds to incorrect Coin